Mar 31, 2007

RP: Letters, Part 1

There is no way of getting these to you, since I do not know where you have gone, but I feel worse when I do not write. I suppose I'll have to give all my letters to you at once when I see you again. If you aren't back before I run out of room in my bureau, I will be very angry, you know.

It is late, and I should be sleeping, but my mind is still too overwhelmed by today's events to let go. The strangest thing happened today, and I know this letter will never do it justice. I was napping in the Cenarion Enclave under my favorite tree when a group of four humans entered! Four humans, in the middle of the Druid stronghold of Darnassus! There was some confusion at first, because I was sleepy, and spoke to them in cat form, but once I shifted back things began to settle down. Why did you not tell me humans were so short?

Assuming the last few decades abroad have not deprived you of your curiosity and impatience, you're dying to know what they wanted. They were all from the same order, the Scarlet March. Since I have heard of them, I do not doubt that you have, as well. You probably know more about them than I, but I did not want to seem rude by asking all the questions that were coming to mind. I know nothing about how humans interact, so until I am told otherwise I shall assume they have as a race the same reserve found among our people. I would rather seem withdrawn than tactless.

They did have a few questions for me, but they were non-personal in nature. Their leader in particular seemed to have a keen interest in the beliefs and goals of the Druids. I tried to be as general as possible, but I admit I was pleased at their interest, and as a result may have told them more than my shan'do would have deemed proper. You remember how I am, so I am sure you are not surprised that they have not been able to temper all my traits. And I know this may sound odd given my admitted ignorance of their kind, but I trust them. My training has taught me how smell can reflect mood, and when I approached them as a cat I found nothing sinister in any of their characters. This is a large part of why I have decided to agree to their leader's proposal.

Please don't be angry with me. You're the one who always told me to follow my instincts and do what feels right, and not rely blindly on the decisions of our elders. I think I can safely say this is the first time in my life I have followed your advice. You know I haven't always had the strongest character, and I fear I will not be able to do what I have agreed to on my own, but I still have to try. With that in mind, please be understanding.

They have asked me to leave Darnassus and go with them. Indefinitely, I presume, though in the scope of my life it will not be nearly as significant a journey when compared to theirs. From what I can tell their order has undergone a sort of overhaul, and those that are left are attempting to find a new way of doing things. Their leader speaks of balance, which caught my attention immediately. After all, should we not also focus on healing the prejudices of the past as well as the scars battle has left on our lands? I feel I must go with them as a sign of good faith, despite all our people have told me of their race and their order.

That is not all of what drives me to go, however. Part of me hopes that leaving with them will allow me to one day again cross paths with you. It is irrational, I know, but I cannot help it. You are all I have left of my past, and I need to at least have closure. If you do not wish to remain with me once I have found you, I will not mind, because that will hurt me less than a lifetime of never knowing what has become of you.

I asked permission of Fandral Staghelm before retiring tonight. Do you remember how he acted when you were petitioning for me to begin my training? Nothing has changed. In all honesty, I feel he gave me permission so I would more quickly leave him to brood. That does nothing for my ego, but then again he has never thought much of me. Shan'do Bearwalker was more kind and wished me well, though he made it clear he does not understand why I am doing this.

Now all that is left to do is say my farewells to the city. I should also like to get better acquainted with the humans I will be traveling with. They warned me that I will face much racism in their kingdom, and I am hoping making friends before I leave will make the transition easier.

I am finally growing sleepy. I will write again once I have spent more time around my strange new companions.


1 comment:

Glo Paint said...

I am actually not completely sure I am going to make this her brother. That's why I have been so careful not to give away gender or relationship in the letters.

The person who WAS going to be my brother is MIA, for one.