Mar 31, 2007

ALTS: Meet my warrior twink

Everyone, this is Rethea, pet name Rethreth, and yes, you know where I got the idea for the name. She is a level 23 warrior who has the luxury of perfectly matching. She also has two swords, one with Icy Chill, and the other with Unholy Enchant. Oh, and she's absolutely adorable, in case you didn't notice.

She's what I play when I'm sick of being level 70. And she's working on getting a White Ram. At level 23, she's 80% to Revered, so with a little runecloth and a lot of Uldaman she should get there pretty quickly.


1 comment:

Glo Paint said...

The Reth Reth Reth bit is a long story, but it is mentioned in my Nagrand Adventure. >>