Mar 7, 2007

ADVENTURE: Burn it to the Ground- An Elemental Adventure

*The scene opens upon our two adventurers as they ride swiftly over the rolling plains of Nagrand. Rastel is leading, working hard to keep her Charger in control as they skirt the edge of the massive chasm to their right. Indraste's Stormsaber misjudges a rock, leaps too far, and comes inches from falling into oblivion. He skids awkwardly to a halt, sending the Druid flying over his head into the expanse. Rastel hauls her Charger to a standstill.*

Rastel: "Indy? INDY!"

*The landscape is quiet, save for a few gusts of wind. Rastel dismounts hurredly and runs to the edge of the cliff, armor clanking loudly. She kneels and peers over.*


*Suddenly a large grey bird flies up from the crevasse, doing a gleeful loop before landing next to the Paladin. The air shimmers, and the bird becomes a smugly smiling Indraste. Rolls of fog puff away from her knees. Rastel scowls.*

Indraste: *mutters* "You know, the Cenarion Circle could have filled these damn things in when they "healed the land".
Rastel: "Stop being such a showoff! I was worried!"
Indraste: "What? This is the first time since we got here that you haven't had to resurrect me from the pieces left behind when I fell into one of these Fel things, and you're actually complaining?"
Rastel: "You couldn't just, you You had to do that swoopy thing!"
Indraste "I needed to slow down for my descent so I don't end up breaking my bones anyway! Though I suppose you don't know much about flying, do you?"
Rastel: "...blasted Druid."
Indraste: "It's your fault anyway, Paladin. You're the one making my Saber go faster than he's supposed to!"
Rastel: "Fine, fine! I'll stop, I'll stop! And the next time you go falling into a huge hole, I'll laugh and keep going!"
Indraste: "Finally."

*Indraste remounts her Stormsaber and chastises it soundly for making her plummet off the edge of yet another pit. Rastel considers telling Indraste she'd have much better luck staying mounted if her saddle weren't so ridiculously huge, but thinks better of it. The pair continue toward their destination at a much more reasonable pace.*

Indraste: "I think I see the village."
Rastel: "Why are we supposed to burn it down, again?"
Indraste: "Because a fire elemental told us to."
Rastel: "And you have no problem with that?"
Indraste: "I like fire."
Rastel: "...of course."

*The villagers don't seem to want their homes burnt down. The pair are attacked at the outskirts, and have to fight their way in to the first building.*
Rastel: "Okay, so how do we do this?"
Indraste: "We use this stick. It's supposed to set fire to everything."
Rastel: "...We get to keep that, right?"

*Indraste raises the stick into the air. There is a crackling sound which singnals the arrival of the smallest fire elemental they have ever seen. The Druid squees in joy.*
Indraste: "Rasty, look! It's so cute!"
Elemental: "Reth Reth Reth"
Rastel: "Indy, it's time to back up now."

*Flames lick the wooden floors around the elemental, and begin to creep up the walls. It begins to zip back and forth across the interior of the hut.*
Elemental: "Reth Reth Reth"
Indraste: "EEEE!"
Rastel: "Indraste, NOW."

*He hauls her out of the hut just as beams begin to crumble overhead. Large flames lick out over both stories of the building, and in seconds it has been completely destroyed. The elemental is nowhere to be seen. Indraste shapeshifts into cat form and bounds happily to the next building. Rastel is barely there before the elemental has been summoned again.*
Indraste: "Rastel, I want one. We need to keep this stick."
Rastel: "Indy, I don't think we get the money if we don't give the stick back."
Indraste: "I don't care."
Rastel: "Yes, I've noticed you don't care about money. It's why we never have any. And yet you seem to have a great interest in food and water."

*Flames begin their dangerous crawl across the floor.*
Indraste: "Well, I'm sorry I'm not so focused on the collection of shiny metal bits as you humans are. I guess I've had a couple hundred years of perspective."
Rastel: "Focused on the collection, no, but as soon as there's a chance to spend it, you have no issue there!"
Elemental: "Reth Reth Reth"
Indraste: "Look out!"

*The Druid leaps at the Paladin. Their impact makes a solid clanking noise and sends them falling out the door and down the steps. They land with bruised shins and ringing ears from what sounded like eight junkboxes bouncing down with them. Rastel inspects her armor angrily.*
Rastel: "You dented it!"

*Indraste points back the way they came, and Rastel turns to look just as the second hut collapses in upon itself. The Paladin instantly stops complaining.*
Indraste: "Right, to the third hut then."

*The third hut is destroyed with no issue. Indraste appears to want to say something to the elemental, but never does. They approach the fourth hut and use the stick again.*
Elemental: "Reth Reth Re-"
Indraste: "Excuse, me, Mr Elemental?"

*It pauses and turns to look up at them*
Rastel: "Indy..."
Indraste: "I was wondering if there was any way I could convince you to come adventuring with us after we're done burning down this village?

*Its flaming eyes glint impassively*
Rastel: "Indy."
Indraste: "Honestly, I'd love to have you along. Not only are you absolutely adorable, but you seem very useful. I haven't had a hot bath in forever, you see, and-"

*It appears to be too late. The elemental swells until it is twice their size, causing the flames around it to increase exponentially in size. The air grows sickeningly hot.*
Rastel: "Indraste, run!"

*The duo flee for the edge of the village, flames licking at their heels. Soon the entire area has been incinerated, but the fire shows no sign of dying out.*
Rastel: "By the Light, Druid, why did you have to go and do that?"
Indraste: "What! What did I do? I didn't do-"

*She lets out a sound that resembles a squawk and leaps into the air. A grey bird soon takes her place, latches on to Rastel's shoulders, and begins to frantically beat her wings in a struggle to get them both airborne. As she is pulled upward, Rastel sees a huge wall of flame moving determinedly towards where they were standing moments before."
Rastel: "You stupid bird! You stupid, stupid bird! Fly faster!"
Indraste: "You're the one that has to wear plate! I am doing the best I can!"

*Minutes later, the pair are standing on a floating island, looking down at the land. The air is growing increasingly smokier as the grassland is eaten by the ever-growing mass of fire spreading out from Windyreed Village. Talbuks are fleeing in terror for the mountains, moving by the hundreds away from the flames. A quarter of the zone is already completely engulfed. Neither speaks for some time.*
Rastel: "The Cenarion Circle can't possibly have sent you to help us. Are you some sort of Druidic practical joke?"
Indraste: "I don't see what the big deal is. If we fixed it once, we can do it again! In a couple hundred years this place will be good as new!"
Rastel: "....a couple...hundred years..."

*Looking rather pale, Rastel slumps over onto the ground. Indraste studies her for a moment."
Indraste: " you want some beer?"

*Wordlessly, the Paladin holds out a hand.*

Had the stick actually been able to set fire to "anything in the environment" like the tooltip said, this probably would have actually happened. For more adventures of Indraste and Rastel, click here.

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