Feb 27, 2007

DRUID: Not my fault Resto druids do no damage!

I was helping a guildie knock out some quests in Hellfire Peninsula, and we ended up grouping with a 'lock. Lock and I got talking about the patch, so he stayed in group after he was done questing with us. Cue the following conversation:

*I see a Firewalker Imp, select it, cast Starfire. Spell crits, Imp dies in one shot.*
Amatoris: "...Indy, what was that?"
Me: "A crit for 1280."
'Lock: "heh..."
Me: "I know that's nothing for you and your massive amounts of 'lock damage, but that's not half bad for me."
Amatoris: "Those Imps really don't have that much health."
Me: "Hey! I am a level 68 absolutely PWNING a 59 mob, and I demand respect!"
'Lock: "lmao."


Anonymous said...

Don't suppose that was Krittick was it?

Anonymous said...

By the way, you HAVE to see this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kfr3602ANI

Glo Paint said...

If it were Kritt, I would have said Kritt.